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Organic Sand Pear Candied (Pacific Yen Bai)



Sand pear (Pacific olive. Pacific quince) is a tropical tree that is well cultivated and does not live in the soil. It is an evergreen tree in tropical Southeast Asia, does not deciduous, and grows throughout the year.


The fruit can grow to the size of a duck egg or even a goose egg.


Sand pear has many health functions: 1. Protect the cardiovascular system 2. Prevent cancer 3. Moisturize the scalp 4. Comfort the skin 5. Prevent constipation 6. Prevent gallstones 7. Relieve the pharynx and reduce swelling 8. Promote body fluid and quench thirst.

Nutritional value:

Pear pulp contains carbohydrates, a small amount of protein, fat, vitamin A, B1, B2, C, E, niacin, minerals calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, silicon, volatile oil, and fragrance Resin alcohol, tannic acid, etc., which are rich in calcium, iron and vitamin A.

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